The other day readers suggested that Sirena Bergman was a satirical character mocking SJWs, like Titania McGrath:
However, Bergman appears to be the real deal. Moreover, if she is a satirical character, she managed to fool The Independent:
I won’t try to guess what “wave” of feminism we are currently in, but the lunatics from university identity studies departments are now embraced by mainstream publications. Back in 2015 Allison Hope wrote in her XO Jane article Farting Is My Secret Feminist Weapon that Works Every Time
I fart in the grocery store to get the men behind me in line to back up a notch. I fart on the ferry to get men to take their goddamned arm off the back of my seat.
XO Jane was a fringe publication, and even some of its staff was glad to see it die. But today women like Hope are sought out by respected publications. As the Editor’s Note at the top of her recent opinion piece at CNN notes:
Allison Hope is a writer whose work has appeared in The New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, Slate and elsewhere.
Another example of this is Anna Lee Beyer. As I noted earlier today, she wrote at HuffPo about taking up maximum space in her fight against the patriarchy. Beyer is a champion of the radical feminist fat acceptance movement, and she is embraced by mainstream publications. From her bio at Fatventure Mag:
Anna Lee Beyer is a former librarian and newspaper reporter, now writing essays about parenting, mental health, being physically active in a large body, travel, relationships, and books. Her work has appeared in Slate, Cosmopolitan, Good Housekeeping, and Motherly.
I wasn’t familiar with Fatventure Mag, but I was able to find a description of it on their kickstarter page, it was created by “two fat lesbians who wanted to create a space” safe from “fitness culture” and toxic diet culture:
Who We Are & What We Do
Fatventure Mag is a printed and digital magazine focusing on active lifestyles beyond the boundaries of weight-loss culture. We’re shining the spotlight on work by fat creators who love spending time outdoors, communing with nature, and being active, no matter what “fitness culture” has to say about it.
Fatventure Mag was co-founded by Alice Lesperance and Samantha Puc, two fat lesbians who wanted to create a space where fat folx could talk about their experiences in the active/fitness community without being devalued for their size, ability, or motivation…
If you want more of Anna Lee Beyer, you can get it at in My Husband Running Makes Me Rage & Here is What I Do About It
What The Other McCain calls Tumblr Feminism has gone mainstream. Tumblr feminists are our new cultural leaders.
Strange that feminists continue to destroy, defile, and pollute everything that wholesome Christian society once held sacred, and then wonder why they are no longer reverenced. Another example of Dalrock’s Law.
Have to say, i’m disappointed you didn’t want to embrace this lovely example of femininity :
Allison Hope – above.
Right. She’s the farty one.
I also didn’t include photos of Anna Lee Beyer, the woman who uses physical obstruction to strike a blow against the patriarchy. But if you want to see her, Fatventure Mag has a pic of her here. Also worth a cringe is the cover art for Fatventure.
Ugly feminism is about attitude, not appearance. However, the internal ugliness often manifests externally as well.
Clown World gets honkier by the day!
@D, i just saw the picks of Anna Lee Beyer …….
Tell you something that has been noted in various channels, and from own personal experience as well, that women who tend to be very overweight (morbidly obese) are usually truly awful in character and often rabid feminists to boot.
Are the 2 connected ? Does some chemical brain change come over their body that affects their brain as well? They change to looking and behaving repulsively.
Oh man! out of a sense of morbid curiosity I clicked on the link to the bios of the fat women’s magazine and looked at the picture of all the people with bios. It is every bit as stomach turning as you would imagine. As Dalrock states above, “…the internal ugliness often manifests externally as well.” Well said.
It’s completely understandable why being fat from a young age will hurt a woman’s psyche. Everyone is in tune with how people perceive them. Kids get it from a young age; a cute or beautiful baby has more interactions, and more positive interactions, with people. This will shape their self image, confidence, ability, etc. Being fat from a young age is not beautiful or cute.
If you can’t have power from love, then its better to have power from fear. Battletoads know this, and feminism gives them the opportunity to destroy the beautiful things.
Allison Hope – above.
Looks like an incomplete sex charge operation.
This is more evidence that feminists – radical feminists – are winning. Soon they will begin the last phase of battle: the pursuit of broken, defeated foes.
But victory remains possible by using the most powerful tool of men (the strength of the wolf is not in tooth or claw, but the pack).
It’s completely understandable why being fat from a young age will hurt a woman’s psyche.
All the more reason for parents to control what their children eat, starting with sugar.
Type II diabetes is a really nasty condition, right up there with alcoholism.
This is more evidence that feminists – radical feminists – are winning. Soon they will begin the last phase of battle: the pursuit of broken, defeated foes.
Women are not men with boobs. You really need to learn this. There will not be any pursuit. Just occupation, for an unknown period of time.
If you want a picture of the future, imagine a pair of stiletto heels pounding on a Beta man’s head — forever.
But victory remains possible by using the most powerful tool of men (the strength of the wolf is not in tooth or claw, but the pack).
Enjoy the RenFaire, but don’t carry your sword down the street in front of the cops.
Pingback: Ugly feminists are large and in charge. | Reaction Times
Mmmm, Larry… I did so enjoy the comments in that article! Especially between you and TheDeti. This snippet stood out:
“For those who are connoisseurs of defeatism, back in 2008 I collected comments to a series about ways we might reform America. Most were from educated and intelligent people, as evident by the sophistication of their arguments for doing nothing but sitting on their butts and whining. Some combined their whines with hopes for The Great Day in the Future When We Will Arise and Smite Our Oppressors (but gave zero interest in doing anything to make that happen. No mention of risking our “lives, fortunes, and sacred honor.” See here, here, and here.
These are the generic responses to any proposals about reforming any aspect of America.”
Now I gave some very simple and specific ideas on how not to sit on your butt and do things. You proceeded to moan that those were too simple and too risky. I won’t cherry pick the comments between us, so here’s the thread link if anyone cares to see the original:
Your article about change had just as much value as your article about packs. Long on the rhetoric, and very short on any specific. That describes most of your stuff, which is DoomPorn at its most charitable. I can go to ZeroHedge anytime to get better quality stuff.
Where I’m going to be charitable is the connection of “risking our “lives, fortunes, and sacred honor.” with “the strength of the wolf is not in tooth or claw, but the pack”. I’m going to suspend my disbelief in you being anything other than a deep state provocateur trying to build up domestic terrorism proofs in a target audience.
As a final parting shot, the most powerful tool of man is his brain, not a “pack”.
Alison “No-hope”. Fart haver? (Instead of sperm haver?)
I think men need to be “honest” with women as to why they don’t like “fat girls.” Men aren’t communicating properly with women from a sexual standpoint. I am not even sure that the skinny girls understand why they are chased and why the fat ones aren’t. The only thing that they may know is that men like skinny and hate fat.
If men were truly honest with women as to why they like skinny and dislike fat, women would never stop slapping men. Well, eventually their hands would get sore and stop slapping us. And then, they would all go on diets, get (and stay) skinny to get the “power” back. No one would care what Alyssa Milano had to say (about this sex strike) if she wasn’t still skinny and sexually attractive.
No one would care what Alyssa Milano had to say (about this sex strike) if she wasn’t still skinny and sexually attractive.
Maybe it’s just the standards I hold, but I personally find NOTHING “sexually attractive” about Milano. Maybe it’s the classic bitch face (or just the 1KCS); with me, a woman could be a perfect 10 in all other aspects, but the bitch face (and the bitch attitude) make her a hag in my eyes.
But will it keep them safe from heart failure?
After following all the links i figured out why her husbands running angers her. She is such a slob she is months of clean dieting away from even being able to work out. He must relax running imagining he was single or dead. I cannot imagine being in shape and tied down for life to a troll like that. His self-esteem must b at an all time low every morning. And her attitude is worse than the looks.
For 47. she’s hot.
@Larry: There will be no victory over me. I know who my enemies are and I give them nothing. Outside of their ability to use the government to tax me for their gender partisan public benefit programs, I have removed them from my life and treat them for what they are (e.g. the enemy).
From what I can tell of the whole sex strike saga, I can deduce the following about the world feminists want:
-Abortion, right up to the birth-day (infanticide).
-Spiteful sex withdrawal from men they claim to love, who made the hideous mistake of committing to them
-To ignore personal health at all levels- fitness, weight, health, outlook.
-To adopt the worst aspects of men’s behaviour, such as Buck’s nights and farting in public
-Cultural genocide of the West, through vasectomy demand, post single special needs kid birth
-Minimal interaction with men, objectifying them as ”sperm-havers”, and Lesbianism after the necessary reproduction.
This disgusting disgrace is the epitome of selfishness and is satanic. No doubt about it.
PS: I’m with feeriker regarding Milano. Her attitudes make her as ugly as sin.
“Beauty in a woman without good judgment is like a gold ring in a pig’s snout”
-Proverbs 11:22 (GNT)
Heh. No farts even necessary.
vfm7916 to Larry Kummer
Now I gave some very simple and specific ideas on how not to sit on your butt and do things. You proceeded to moan that those were too simple and too risky.
Mr. Kummer is a rancher. We know this because he has a very, very big hat.
However, no one has seen any cattle.
It is curious.
Care to take a stab at this?
The comments cover it pretty well and make for a bit of entertaining reading.
Enough of the commenters understand the reality of the situation to provide a nice contrast to the ‘men aren’t manning up to marry them (after they had their fun)’ crowd. I didn’t really see anyone willing to call out the selling out to women that has driven men out of the churches though. Sky high expectations does get a fair amount of coverage.
I feel sorry for girls: there is not and I venture to presume that there never will be a Superstar Fattie. The same is not true of men and I am not thinking here of actors like Arbuckle, Goodman or even little Belushi for these are minnows in comparison to those I have in mind. I refer of course to the Yokozuna and Ozeki of Sumo where the norm is some four hundred pounds and if like the late and much lamented Chiyonofuji you also have film star looks then the world is (at least in Japan) your Sushi and women will be ripping-off their kimonos to draw your attention to them and this of course is what all the strange behaviour referred to above is about; Attention.
I like observing the inconsistencies of the globo-homo elite and last night I caught on Youtube what i think a very good example of that. I had come across a well made British documentary as to the world of Super-yachts and the programme followed the fate of three British and two American (no language problems you see) Billionaires trying to dispose of their present floating gin-palace at Monaco’s boat show. Gone was all the cheer-leading for those with the favoured genitalia for these five all but one of whom had started with nothing were men. It is one thing to keep women out of the boardroom but it is hard to grasp how women are being prevented from rising to the status of Billionaire. What also struck me forcibly about the British Billionaires (I am not sufficiently attuned to say anything about the Americans) was just how ordinary and middle-class they were – and I don’t mean upper-middle for in England you need more than just money to achieve that designation. The sort of men who might once have been friends with my father save for the fact that their bank balances had far more zeros; ordinary and really perhaps even a little dull but proud of their boy’s toys. I could not see from the documentary that any woman had been oppressed.
Anna Hitchings’ work made a recent appearance on Dalrock. Look at her current photo as seen in the piece you linked, then look at her bi-line photo associated with her ‘lack of good men’ article.
I don’t know but I do wonder if Anna is like me in the respect that when she looks in a mirror she is seeing something quite different than everyone else sees. I am usually surprised when viewing a recent photo with me in it, because that is not the man I look at most days in the mirror. Is it?
It could be she had nothing to do with “The Catholic Weekly” running an author’s photo of her from obviously ten or more years ago. I bring it up because it reminded me of how people can become disconnected from their own reality, and how this can truly hamper the search for a potential mate if that is what they are in the market for.
Aging but still hopeful spinsters need someone to point out this gap, which only widens by the year; so they can re-calibrate their expectations with facts. The doctrine of niceness usually precludes this ever happening in church circles.
Opus, some female superstar fatties might be Roseanne Barr and Oprah (who’s done some acting, though she’s more of a TV talk show superstar).
And there does seem to be an increase in obnoxious, fat female “comics.”
Rather ironic that the women who are the most concerned about “rape culture” are the women who don’t have much to worry about in that regard.
This kind of article has been seen in various elite, urban media outlets for a few years. Expect to see it more and more often for reasons that have been discussed here and elsewhere. The shortage of fried ice is dire and getting worse…
These articles can all be summed up in one sentence:
“Impossible to have one’s cake and eat it too, women over 30 most affected!”
In economic thought, will a strike produce a “prisoner’s dilemma”? One where the effectiveness of such a strike would produce a greater temptation to cross the picket line? For this dynamic alone, could it not be suggested that a group capable of such a strike would not find themselves in the position of needing one?
Physiognomy is real. From our Canadian brothers and sisters:
@Red Pill Latecomer
You are right about fat female comedians. One such in England is Jo Brand who has but one subject: her being fat. She was when younger one of the female bar-staff in what was then my ‘local’ and I am proud to say that I cannot remember her.
This strike would have to be something most women would take seriously before the prisoner’s dilemma would apply. Most will continue having sex with the same kind of men they had sex with before. They may claim this strike as a justification to avoid men they already don’t like, but that would be a hollow claim.
I hate to pile on against Larry, but for someone who is supportive of gun control, you seem awfully ready to start a revolution.
Don’t cut yourself on al that edge bro.
I was disappointed reading the Beyer article “Running Makes Me Rage..” It was actually a pretty good article. One paragraph toward the end was objectionable, but other than that she was writing about overcoming bitterness, getting in shape, and carving out a little time for herself so she could be a better mom.
I don’t know how long it’s been since i read a women’s article about following her husband’s lead so that she could become a happier, healthier person, but I try to avoid woman writers, so.
Now I just feel dirty, praising a woman’s writing.
I wish I’d read Dal’s previous post about another Beyer article before I praised her. Now i feel dirty and dumb.